Legal prowess in commercial & energy sectors with a commitment to biosafety & biodiversity
JacquelIine Scholz
Jacky was born in Germany and grew up in Tsumeb. Afer school she enrolled at the University of Pretoria where she obtained two law degrees – B. Juris and an LLB in Consttutonal Law. Jacky commenced her career with the Department of Justice of South Africa where she was a State Law Advisor until her relocation to Namibia in 1996.
During the past decade she has provided legal consultancy services in a variety of fields with her main specialisation being commercial, energy, administrative and constitutional law. In 2007, Jacky joined the MIH team as advisor to the Millennium Group and as consultant specialising in commercial law, energy and other regulated industries such as water and communication. She was also appointed as a director of Millennium Investment Holdings (Pty). She manages Millennium Consolidated Consultancy Services cc (“Milenco”), a member of Millennium Group of companies.
Jacky is also a member of the Namibian Biosafety Alliance and actively involved in the field of GMOs, biosafety and biodiversity. Due to her vast experience, Jacky provides advice and consultation services on a variety of legal topics and fields.